About Us

Under the efficient leadership of the CEO, Mr. Haji Muhammad Tufail and with his prime motive to make the company stand among the market leaders in the respective domain, BROWAY Sportswear has earned a separate and unique name in the Sports Uniform manufacturing field and is the flourishing name in the market for providing the world-class Sports Apparels. We are one of the most efficient Sublimated Sports Uniform Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters from Pakistan. Apart from this, we provide the customisation facility for all the types of Sports Uniforms.

We are very keen in providing the quality in our products. We conduct various quality control checks on our products before delivering them to our clients. The quality tests are also performed at the packaging of the final products. Apart from this, our quality control setup helps in delivering our products with zero manufacturing flaws.

Our features are what make us stand alone among the supreme suppliers and manufacturers. There are various positive traits of the company that has earned a remarkable turnover. Some of the offered features are as follow

  • Well-equipped manufacturing unit, with all the modern machines.
  • Modern quality control techniques ensuring zero defects in the products.
  • Customization of the products available.
  • Huge and strong distribution network.
  • Affordable products and timely delivery.
  • Conventional packaging of the products to prevent the damage happens during the transmission.